Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sponsor Post: Life on LeRoy

 Hey guys! Today I'm really excited to introduce you to my Featured Sponsor for June: Alli from Life on LeRoy!

*Back story: Alli and I met through a blogger christmas card swap this past year. She is such a sweet girl, and has TONS of great ideas on her blog!

Take it away Alli!

1. How did you choose the name of your blog?
The name Life on LeRoy comes from the street we live on; LeRoy.
I'm going to let you in on a little secret, we are huge homebodies!  So when I was thinking of a blog name and what I was going to blog about I figured it was mostly going to be about our daily lives so Life on LeRoy seemed appropriate

2. What is your favorite post you've ever written?
I think my favorite post to date is my "counting followers" post.  I wrote it a while back and still read it every now and again when I need a reminder that blogging is not about having a bunch of followers, it's about making friendships, writing about what you want to write about and having lots of fun along the way.  The quality of your blog is not measured by how many followers you have, but by the number of followers you can also call your friends.

3. Look at your closet: what is the most versatile piece that you own that you would swear up and down everyone else needs to buy?
 A MAXI skirt for sure! Now that it's summer time, I'll be living in mine.  You can dress them up or dress them down.  They are simply perfect! (there are a TON of really great maxis at windsor right now!)

Now go give Alli some love and have a great Thursday!

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