Wednesday, June 27, 2012

When Did I Become an Adult?!

vintage scarf, Sonja Kashuk "pink punch" lippy, Old Navy tank, Forever 21 belt, Windsor skirt (worn previously here), Zara heels.

A week from tomorrow is my 24th birthday. 

I feel a bit of a panic attack coming on.

When the heck did I get this old? Not that I think 24 is old. I've just always thought 24 sounded very adultish (and obviously I'm not an adult, since I just made up the word adultish.)

And we all know I'm sure not mature enough to be an adult.

I over charged my debit account last week.
My house is never as clean as I want it to be
I have no clue what I want to do with my life
There is no such thing as a savings account in my world.

I guess I just thought I'd have my crap together a bit more at 24. 

Oh well, there's always 25! I'm off to buy a party dress and pick out my Birthday Crown.
(kidding...sort of)

By the way, you may have noticed that when my hair turned brown, it also drastically grew about 5 more inches. No I don't have some great hair growing trick that will make you look like Rapunzel overnight. I wear extensions. I've mentioned before that while my eyelashes are real, my hair is occasionally not. This is one of those times. I've been wearing extensions on and off since my freshman year in College so while I wouldn't say I'm an expert, I do  have a lot of experience.

Saying that, I'm going to be doing an Extension FAQ post! Any questions you have regarding hair extensions, write it in the comments below or email me at kaleighblogs(at)yahoo(dot)com and I'll answer them all!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. LOVE that skirt! And I'm always a fan of those Zara heels!

  2. thank you for being 2 days older so you can tell me what it is like to be adultish. eeekkk! btw, love those shoes!! :)

  3. love your skirt!! happy almost birthday! mine is in august and i was saying the same thing to the hubs yesterday i can't believe ill be turning 23 and he will be 24 soon, i feel so old ;)

  4. That polka dot skirt is so cute! I'm 5 years older than you (gulp) birthday is coming up in July too and there's often times I don't feel like an adult either, ha.

    The Tiny Heart
    Enter to win a custom clutch!

  5. "There is no such thing as a savings account in my world."

    Oh Peter, my savings account is a glass bottle, that I will break, when I buy my ticket to fly across the country to visit my best friend.

    Buy a glass bottle, problem solved.

  6. I'm 32 and....

    I over charged my debit account last month.
    My house is never as clean as I want it to be.
    I know what I want to do with my life but I still haven't figure out how to get there.
    My savings account has $25 in it.

    Congratulations... you're an adult. :-)

  7. LOL, just enjoy these "early twenties" little mama.. trust an old woman- they go quickly! Live em up!

    I adore this skirt. ADORE IT.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I know what you mean! My husband is four years older than me and I always think he's so old but then when I reach the age he was at, I realize that it really isn't that old. lol.

  10. Loving the whole look!!! Especially the skirt!! :) :)

  11. Love love love your hair!! & my house is definitely never as clean as I want it to be :) New follower. Stop by and follow me? :)

  12. I just ordered a dress that looks similar to your skirt! So pretty! And I once heard something about getting older, "Growing old is a privilege denied to many" :)

  13. Love that skirt. A little obsessed... and I'm so not an adult yet. I'm 22 and in denial still :) Found you on WIWW (the pleated poppy) Awesome blog!


  14. Talk to me when you feel like that at 27 :) Kidding - but I think you just gotta go with the flow, and you'll figure out all that adult stuff along the way. Hope you have a fabulous birthday! And love that polka dot skirt :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  15. You're hair is always amazing. Do you have naturally straight hair?? I have naturally RIDICULOUS hair. I'm wondering if you have any tips....this is a post I did about my ridiculous hair a few months ago : Do you have any suggestions for curly hair???

  16. This dress and hair style is nice combination with this post is very information for hair, I love it


    Fusion Hair Extensions
